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Mission, Vision and Values

DLA students will use their college degrees and careers to redefine what is possible by empowering future students and inspiring communities to become sustainable centers of educational excellence and innovation.

Detroit Leadership Academy’s vision is to be a remarkable neighborhood school. We will provide a highly challenging, stimulating and supportive environment that unlocks the potential of all children and adults as leaders, pioneering the way to equity and excellence.

Academy graduates experience success and are academically prepared to take advantage of opportunities in a changing society. Graduates areinnovative leaders in career fields, healthy individuals and community advocates who make apositive difference in the world.

DLA student
Parents experience a sense of pride due to the progress and success of the student. As highly respected partners in the educational process, parents work cooperatively with Academy personnel to establish goals and support the student’s continual learning and pursuit of a college education.
DLA High school Student
Staff experience a sense of accomplishment and are held in high esteem. Staff work collaboratively, are highly qualified, innovative, effective, and committed to the success of all students and to being positive youth role models.

The community views the Academy as a model for other schools and organizations. The Academy is innovative in its thinking and program offerings and committed to quality education for all students. The community readily partners with the Academy to empower students and strengthen the community.

Habits of Excellence

Excellence is a habit. EQ Habits of Excellence are a set of actions that, develop ownership and ensure quality.
By committing to consistent learning and work processes, we build strong work habits that translate to improved outcomes.


Be present + prepared


Engage in collaboration + communication


Productively struggle + persevere


Meaningfully produce + complete the task


Fail forward + seek to be better